
Evangelizing in Greel-ality

Not much is new in "Greel-ality," as some of my friends would say. Spring break was last week, and so this week has been a little rough. It is hard to go from a relaxed schedule to a more demanding one. Even if it only for a week! :)
The FOCUS team is trying to evangelize more this week. It is cool to see them handing out flyers for events, and talking to students. Students also take time from their schedules to help out with this. This week there is sign ups at a booth for BA 6-- Bear Awakening. Students are staffing the booth for most of the day. It is nice to walk down from work, or walk through the UC on your way to class, and see a bunch of passionate Catholics. I think that the coolest thing, is that even if they do not have anyone talk to them or they are rejected, they are witnessing to the whole UNC community.
I hope that a lot of students sign up for BA. It would be awesome to get a whole new "class" of kids involved. It is an awesome high energy retreat, put on by students. I loved retreating, and then staffing the retreat for 4 other times. I am sad, because I will not be staffing this time. My schedule is getting just so packed. I need a free weekend.
The events that FOCUS is endorsing are: Broomball-- tonight. (one of my personal favorite activities---EVER) And an Encounter with a talk given by Curtis Martin-- the creator of FOCUS. I am super pumped-- Curtis Martin is awesome, and very inspiring. Maybe we will see some new faces!!!!
Anyways, I think that is about all for now, I must go study for an evolution test. Yuck.


Visiting the Convent

This past week and weekend, I went with three other young women to visit the Sisters in Illinois. They are Franciscans of the Martyr St. George. We spent 2 nights, and 1 day there. I have sometimes felt that God is calling me to a consecrated Religious life, and so when my good friend said that she would be leading this trip-- I decided to go. It was a very long road trip out there, but I enjoyed the company! I got to know the other ladies much better, which was a blessing. We also picked up a Sister in Hastings, NE. (Go BIG Red!!! --My shout out to all of those Husker fans. Living the good life! :) ) It was neat to spend the larger part of the road trip just getting to know her, and her lifestyle. I quickly realized that they (as in Religious Sisters) are regular people, and are sinners, just like you and I. I somehow thought that they were exempt! ha! They laugh, and have fights, and use sarcasm. One thing that they do realize, is that they ARE sinners, they are very humble in that respect. I was impressed.

For all of you who do know me, you know that I am busy from the moment I wake up, to the moment my head hits the pillow. So when I experienced their simple, structured, prayerful, and peaceful life, I just wanted to stay forever! haha! Well, maybe, kinda. I don't know what God is calling me to, but I am now less scared about what He will ask of me, and more open to to the Religious life. This brought a little peace to my heart, in my discernment process.

One thing that struck me, as I listened to the young novices talking about how they got to the convent, was their giddiness, and giggles, and excitement when they were re-telling their discernment process. It was the same way my girlfriends, and I talk about dates and boys! Through this realization, I have begun to ponder how Jesus is not only my best friend, but also how He always pursing me, and my Divine Lover. Although, I still really haven't wrapped my mind around the whole concept yet, I feel like I am starting a whole new romance with our Savior. Recently, I have been pursued my a couple of my male counterparts. And most of the time, I just haven't felt like it was right. Now, I think it is because God is trying to make me fall in love with Him more, by showing me that the love from my human "pursu-ees" just doesn't compare to His unmerited, pure love. I know that I still struggle with finding my self worth in attention from guys, but hopefully with this new thought process, I may slowly get stronger in my love for the Lord, and depend on that, instead of the love of this world.



Valentines Bash

So, although I was not all too excited to go to the Valentine's bash put on by the Catholic Campus Ministry this past Saturday, I must admit.... it was fun.
I have never been a big fan of Valentine's. Ok, that is a lie. I loved it, in elementary school. I just couldn't wait to make my Valentine's box, and address all of my little cards to my friends. I just ate up Valentine's day when it was about making cupcakes and dressing up in red, pink, and purple. But then I grew up, and it became more about who was going to be your significant other on the 14th. Eck. I have never been one for mushy, gushy, lovey, dovey things, so when that is what Valentine's day became, around the age of 12, I vowed I would never be a fan... again.
I am a junior, and each year CCM puts on a Valentine's dance, and shindig. Well, the past two years, I have MADE SURE that I was gone on those weekends, so I wouldn't get wrangled into going. This year was different, since I had to be in town for other responsibilities. I got wrangled. It was fun though! I loved the movie that we watched. FIREPROOF. Although the actors are not going to win any Academy awards anytime soon-- it was an AWESOME story. I began the applause afterwards... it was that good! Then we had dinner. DELICIOUS! Chicken Parmesan. Oh, so tender! I really enjoyed the company at the table too! Father Rocco had a fun time stacking our water glasses, he balanced up to four before he was scared that they were going to tip over! He has many amazing talents! haha.
Then the music began! We had an good friend from the past come and DJ for us. He has excellent music taste! It was also a treat to see him, and his Fiance-- they will be getting married in May... I think. Another Catholic couple getting married! YEAH!
The dancing was fun. I like to think I can cut a rug, as my Grandma likes to say! Hahaha. I was wiped out, and slept like a baby that night. I even slept through my alarm, and was late for making breakfast burritos at St. Peter's the next morning at 6 am. Sorry, Padre Pio Pilgrims! :)
Well, that is the short run down of the weekend. thanks for making it a pleasant Valentine's bash CCM team!